Immo-of rešenja na jednom mestu
- Hiljade rešenja za popravke
- Samo testirana i funkcionalna rešenja
- Modifikacija fajlova na zahtev
- Nema tokena – neograničen pristup
- Niska cena – godišnja pretplata
- Besplatni apdejti za vreme trajanja pretplate
U svakom trenutku dostupno više od 9000 rešenja za vašu radionicu na PCu, Androidu ili iOS!
Immo Bypass baza sadrži:
ECU fajlove
ECU fajlovi su osnova Immo Bypass-a.
Svako rešenje se sastoji od fajlova – original i modifikovanih koji se mogu skinuti i programirati u ECU.
Immo Bypass sadrži sledeće tipove fajlova:
IMMO OFF fajlovi čine veći deo baze. Ovi fajlovi se mogu koristi da trajno uklone signal imobilajzera iz vozila.
Očistite svoj ECU i vratite ga na fabrička podešavanja, omogućavajući prilagođavanje drugom automobilu.
Neka rešenja zahtevaju instalaciju emulatora u ECU. Immo Bypass ima već spremne fajlove i uputstva koja olakšavaju ovu proceduru.
Programiranje vrednosti kodova ključeva u ECU memoriju.
Ponekad je neophodno imati pristupni kod za ECU. PIN rešenja u Immo Bypass objašnjavaju kako se ovaj kod izračunava.
Detaljne slike i dijagrami ožičenja svakog ECUa čine veliki deo naše baze podataka. Desetine hiljada slika čine Immo Bypass, bez sumnje, najvećim ECU katalogom svih vremena!
Visokokvalitetne slike ECUova, memorija, priključaka i drugih komponenti.
Testirani i laki za čitanje dijagrami pinova za hiljade ECUova na jednom mestu.
Ukoliko rešenje zahteva korišćenje dodatnog softvera, slikama ćemo Vam pokazati kako da ga koristite.
Tekstualna uputstva koja će Vas navoditi kroz sve procedure. Naći ćete i informacije o automobilima i ECU.
Svako rešenje sadrži detaljno uputstvo da Vam olakša radi što je više moguće.
Većina ECU u našoj bazi su detaljno opisani i povezani sa automobilima na koje su montirani.
Korisnici sa aktivnom pretplatom mogu da koriste zvaničnu Tehničku podršku. Postoje dva načina korišćenja:
- Pitati za pomoć u vezi postojećeg rešenja
- Pitajte za modifikaciju vašeg fajla
I, najvažnije, podrška na Forumu je pružena od strane naših profesionalnih tehničkih eksperata.
Detalji o programu:
- licenca važi 1 godinu
- Dobija se jedna licenca za PC i Android
- Možete koristiti Immo Bypass samo na jednom uređaju istovremeno (osim ukoliko ne kupite Immo Bypass GO)
- Prilikom prebacivanja licence na drugi uređaj, aktivacija na drugom uređaju može trajati 24 sata
- Možete preuzeti besplatnu DEMO verziju na kojoj možete videti samo spisak podržanih vozila i ECU-a
- Nakon instalacije i registracije DEMO verzije možete kupiti licencu sa kojom dobijate potpuni pristup bazi
Osnovni zahtevi za rad:
- Pristup internetu (min. 1Mbit/s)
- PC Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/10
- Android 4.2 i noviji / minimum 120MB RAM
Immo Bypass GO se vezuje za postojeću Bypass licencu i omogućava istovremeno korišćenje baze na računaru i na mobilnom telefonu.
Pretragu baze i preuzimanje DEMO softvera možete izvršiti OVDE.
Dodatne informacije
Produženje licence | DA, NE |
Bring the biggest database of immo off &
virgin files to your workshop!
- Thousands of repair solutions
- Only tested & working dumps
- Files modifications on demand
- No tokens – unlimited access
- Low price – yearly subscription
- Free updates during subscription
Immo Bypass is an online database of ECU files and repair
solutions dedicated to Engine Control Units (ECU).
Immo Bypass solutions contain:
- ECU Files
- Pictures
- Descriptions
1. ECU files are the core of Immo Bypass.
Each solution consists of files – original and modified dumps that can be downloaded and programmed into your ECU.
Immo Bypass contains the following file types:
- IMMO OFF Files are the majority of our database. These files can be used To permanently remove immobiliser signal in a vehicle.
- VIRGIN/SYNC – Clear your ECU and restore it to factory settings, allowing you to adapt it to another car.
- EMULATOR – Some solutions require installing an emulator in the ECU. Immo Bypass has ready-to-use files and instructions to make the procedure easier.
- KEY WRITING – Program the values of the key code into the ECU memory.
- PIN – Sometimes it is required to have a security access code to an ECU. PIN solutions in Immo Bypass explain how to calculate this code.
Detailed pictures and wiring diagrams of every ECU constitute a large portion of our database.
Tens of thousands of photos make Immo Bypass undoubtedly the biggest ECU catalogue of all time!
- Component photos – High quality photos of ECUs, memories, plugs and other components.
- Pinouts & Wiring diagrams – Tested and easy-to-read pinouts for thousands of ECUs in one place. Sounds helpful, right?
- Software Screenshots – If a solution requires using a third-party software, we will show you how to use it on screenshot
We provide text instructions that will guide you through the procedures. You will also find car and ECU information included.
- Procedure description – Every solution contains a detailed description to make your work as easy and smooth as possible!
- Vehicles & ECU informations – Most of ECUs in our database are well described and connected to a specific car where it is mounted.
Technical support – Users with active Immo Bypass subscription can use our Official Technical Support.
There are two ways to use it:
- Ask for help if you have any problem with an existing Immo Bypass solution
- Ask for your own file modification
And, most importantly, support on the Forum is provided by our professional Technical Experts.
Details about program:
- one year licence
- one licence for Android and PC
- Immo Bypass you can use only on one device at time, if you buy Immo Bypass GO you can use on two devices
- If you transfer licence on onother device, activation may take up to 24 hours
- I can download free DEMO version on which you can see only list supported vehicles
- After installation and registration of DEMO version you can buy licence that give you full access to data base
Basic requirements:
- Internet access (min. 1Mbit/s)
- PC Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/10
- At list Android 4.2 / min. 120MB RAM
You can download software DEMO HERE.
Povezani proizvodi
Clixe Airbag (senzor zauzeća sedišta) EMULATOR – MAZDA